Welding technology
Welding and welding technology are the basis of K-Svet's operations. We continuously invest in new modern equipment and have a quality system for welding that is certified according to SS-EN ISO 3834-2.
We have ongoing collaboration with other companies to constantly develop and streamline our welding technology.
Welding manager
K-Svets has an appointed welding manager who leads the work with the development of welding technology, documentation and quality follow-up.
Welder test
K-Svet's personnel are certified by accredited AO according to SS-EN ISO 9606-1, SS-EN ISO 9606-4 & 9606-5 and SS-EN ISO 14732.
The welding methods we use are: MMA, TIG, MAG and Powder Arc.
We have personnel who are certified in the normally occurring material groups.
Procedural testing
K-Svet's WPQR are qualified according to SS-EN ISO 15614-1 or SS-EN ISO 15613.
The procedural testing meets the requirements for PED classification in the manufacture of pipes according to: EN 13480 and pressure vessels according to: EN 13445